Meet Nancy Clairmont Carr
Empowering individuals to create the life they want to live

Hi, I’m Nancy!
The idea of empowering leaders to be their best started at a very young age for me. From the beginning, it’s been a process of being an avid learner, and wanting to share my experiences with others.
As an adolescent, I loved playing school, being the teacher, and encouraging my students. I was very involved with girl scouts, which offered early growth opportunities, and in high school I was a gymnast - and also joined the Aviation Explorers Club. When my dad asked if I wanted to get my pilot’s license, I thought why not? I was the youngest student, and only female, to fly solo in North Dakota at age 19.
I started my career as a teacher and gymnastics coach. Cheering others on no matter what they were going for, and helping them create a bridge to get them from where they were to where they wanted to go became my passion.
Growing up in North Dakota with my family of origin had much influence over my future path-emphasizing hard work, independence, freedom, to think differently - to not feel pressured to follow the crowd, and to figure out a way to do what I wanted to do, no matter the resistance met. Since the age of five, “What is your goal and how are you going to get there?” was a common question my three siblings and I heard from my dad.
Many interests feed my work and my soul - adventure, travel, exercise, and cooking. I have loved grocery shopping since age 6 when I sat on the big flat cart at the warehouse market in Bismarck helping my mom pick out our food. The stores have since changed to co-ops or wherever I can buy organic, but the thrill is still there. Selecting foods that inspire me, creating a recipe in my mind as I shop, coming home and trying something new - is always really fun. My family has always appreciated tasty, healthy food!

My passion for health, nutrition and overall wellness became even more important after burn out from fifteen years as a corporate business executive, while dealing with sleep challenges I’d had since college. Determined to find more “balance” and freedom in my life, I left the corporate world, seven months pregnant with my third daughter, and vowed to create a business that would help me and others with health, wellness and living our purpose. Soon after, my health coaching business was born. Through the process I also discovered energy medicine products that changed lives, mine included.
In 2007 I began studying energy healing and became a certified energy healing practitioner with many modalities. Through it I transformed my life- I found my voice, improved my sleep and physical health, and cleared limiting beliefs and fears. I also applied the work to grow my business.
I discovered that no matter the pain or imbalance one had, there was always an underlying energy pattern associated with it which could be cleared. The combination of energy healing, along with nutrition or other natural healing modalities could eliminate any imbalance in time - permanently. Mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
What I experienced during the change was profound - the more healing I did, the more effortless it became to set and achieve my intentions.

Over time, as I developed a higher level of thinking and developed my intuition, I became more in tune with myself and my environment. This natural outgrowth of energy healing can be defined as higher consciousness- which is the new currency in our changing environment. It is the basis for becoming sovereign, and it offers the level of mental energy needed to contribute at the highest and most fulfilling level.
Using intuition is key to conscious leadership- from which I’ve learned to be authentic, take bigger risks, develop win-win solutions and look internally for validation.
After decades of coaches, masterminds, seminars and all the tools of life-long learners, I experienced the fastest and most permanent changes with energy healing. I am committed to providing this empowering transformation path to those who are intent on attaining their goals.
Combining business strategy, health optimization and elevating consciousness is “The Joy-Effect”. These three areas are intertwined to create sustainable growth, impact, and vitality to live one’s purpose.
Taking people from where they are to what they want to be, do and create is what I excel at and love doing. Creating joy, abundance and sovereignty through conscious leadership is how I can help you.
“Nancy is amazing! My monthly revenue doubled... then increased 63% the following year and consistently grew after that... I would recommend her program to every business owner. I am confident you will receive a return on your investment!”
— Angela Alvig, Owner, Simplify Wealth

Advanced Training, Coaching & Certifications
Maureen Higgin's School for Higher Consciousness
Founding Member, Community for Higher Consciousness
Advanced Certifications
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